Monday 21 February 2011

In theory and in practice

Learning new things is hard. Especially if you are like me, dyslexic. It takes longer to understand things, because it processes differently, or because you simply forget. (Yes dyslexia affects the memory.) As a person a lot of the things I am good at is self taught. I taught myself to draw from pictures off the internet. Pressure from people on forums forced me to improve my spelling and grammar, which I then had to teach myself because by that point I was too old to be taught it in school, and thus why I'm so terrible at it. I then had to style my writing in a certain way to make these people happy. The two things that aren't amazing talents, but they are my talents I worked on by myself, I improved upon by myself. But doing things by yourself only gets you so far, which is perhaps why I chose to do my Creative Writing and English Literature degree. And it is why I chose to do a Professional Writing MA. Because while I am a creative person, getting what is in my head to paper has always been difficult, and perhaps will always be difficult. But I have to do my best to aid the process, because at the end of the day we must help ourselves. What can I say? I have a rather Victorian mentality when it comes to dreams and ambitions associated with work.

So being the overly creative person I am, I of course wanted to up the media a bit like I have mentioned before, with film. I don't know how many people have ever tried to make a film without ever being taught any of the skills associated with it. I really am not technologically savvy. I could probably fix a few technoloigcal issues with a computer. But if my computer properly breaks then I don't have a clue. Like mobile phones and cameras. I can use them, but I don't know how to use them efficiently.

So yeah, started on my little review, and from the start I hit snags.  First I didn't know how to get the content off a DVD. but I succeeded in the end and then was faced to editing the parts of the dvd I wanted in movie maker because I didn't want to buy an editing program. Movie maker crashed every time I made an edit. Plus the audio and the visuals had to be edited separately. So getting tired of that I decided to look at other editing programs, only to realize I already had another editing program on my computer. I tend to forget I have adobe until I have to use it. Mainly because I only use the paint program. So I open up premier and it gives me a very fancy editing thing. I'm like, whoooah. I have no clue how to use this! It's a lot more complicated than movie maker let me tell you. But I am determined. So you import the film, and I put it on the line. but the audio doesn't come up. I can only presume this has something to do the initial discs copy write protection. It's annoying if you have no interest in stealing the film. I buy all my films, only because piracy = crappy quality. You pay for what you get folks. and waiting a few months for dvd prices to drop really isn't that bad. But yeah, now have to figure out how to get audio. I knew I had audio in movie maker, so I knew there must be some way to get audio off the thing. So more internet hunting, get a program, get the audio, put audio underneath images. and yessss, it's in sync and it works. And when you accomplish this silly simple thing with no real knowledge on how to do it properly it feels surprisingly good. And then there is going through the film again, to tag up what you want to include.... yeah... yeah... no... urgh... so... so boring... It kind of down trod your entire effort to sit there, trying to feel smug for being clever and trying to pay enough attention to Dan Brown rubbish to tag up all the stupid things you might want to include.

So yeah... where was I going with this? Umm... Learning new things is fun and rewarding. Doing new things after you have learned it not so much... I suppose it'll become more fun when I have to do the actual editing, and then record my own stuff, and try and work it together. That should be fun. Right? I'm sure I will hold a huge grudge to Dan Brown after all this. I think I'll probably struggle some more with the editing software after this. I mean getting the thing into the editing program is like the easy part. Making a half decent product is the tricky part. definitely if you have zero experience. But we'll see right? Learning through doing~

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