Sunday 13 February 2011

Bad Games

Do you know what I hate? (Besides everything, hohoho.) Bad Games. No... Actually I can bare with bad games. What I really hate is bad games which could have been good. I've been playing Divinity 2: The Dragon Saga. And you know, it has a lot which makes it a good game. It really does. It has nice graphics, niceish dialogue, lots of cool gear, nice dungeons, so on and so forth. It's a bit hard. and you can turn into a dragon. But what it fails on is clarity.
So I complete first mission to kill ghost in cellar, commander tells me good job, she and the rest are going to kill the dragon. okay I say, what do I do? the game gives me nothing. No quest or direction. Alright I think, I'll go do that tower quest I have seeing you've left me with no main quest. I wonder along and finally run into the plot lying in my path. A dying dragon. she gives me dragon powers and tells me that a great evil is going to befall the world. no real explanation. just shows you evil stuff, and now you have to stop the evil. but first to the tower! So I go to the tower, the monsters around it are too over powerful, I go down a difficulty level and still struggle but I kill them, I get to the tower and it is locked. Okay, I go around to the other entrance. That one is locked too... wonderful. I scower around its base and find a third entrance. That doesn't even have a handle. Now what? I check my inventory for any books about the tower. I have none. there are some platforms which in a good game I could get the character to jump across to and jump over the gates. But this is not a good game where the character can grab ledges and pull itself up. or manage well jumping across platforms. in fact, I am convinced that the platforms are just to tease me, as if saying "You wish this was a platforming game don't you?" It's times like these I wish every RPG had tried to be like Prince of Persia.
So now what? I check the near by dungeon where the skeletons were, nothing. I go back to villager to talk to the priest who gave me the original tower quest. nothing. Nothing in this game tells me how to get into this rotten tower! And if I go to a walk through and find that I do need to use precision platforming with a character who can't grip ledges I will scream.
So yes, I hate games that think non-linear means don't tell the player shit. Urgh, I'll probably end up wandering the game trying to find more mysterious leavers to pull in hope that it'll win me some open doors in the tower. But I bet it wont. Or I'll give up. Being able to turn into a dragon just isn't worth this level of hassle, and I own far better RPG's to waste my time on.

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