Saturday 13 November 2010

Artist Block.

I've been suffering from artist block lately. which sucks. seeing I usually love to draw. It's a passion. Drawing is one of my most favorite things to do besides writing. I love them both so much that I adore doing them together. But lately I haven't wanted to draw, like, at all.
I think I spent allot less money on things when I drew. I really need to start doing it again. but then again when you start pounding out comic pages day after day, week after week. It just drains your enthusiasm until your an empty shell. Though I've reason to believe my artist block may have stemmed from my want to deliver the finale to my current chapter properly.
Or maybe it's because my comic offers me no surprises anymore. I could tell you where the story is going to go down to the last detail after wrenching it all from its carefully stored place in my mind.
but then again, I think I delivered more comic pages when I was actually RP'ing the characters every single day... so maybe that is it... maybe the lack of having Felix, Deme and chalice on my mind EVERY SINGLE DAY, is what has caused this all. Maybe I need to start RP'ing it again... this calls for an experiment!!!!