Monday 21 February 2011

Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective

Ghost Trick is the latest game from the producers of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. It's the only reason why I bought it, I love the Ace Attorney games, if you've never played them you should, the stories in them are simply fantastic, it's amazing game writing. but I must say when I first saw this game in the shop before I knew it was written by them the cover really did turn me off. The title and the cover are just... well bad. I really don't like the emphasis on 'ghost trick' in the game, it's like they're trying to make a tag line, and I really don't think that works in video games. It's just annoying. But yeah, the art style they've gone for with the character profiles are too... kid friendly. Considering this really isn't a kid game. It's a game about murder, you watch people die in it. You can be a little more complex with the art style guys. I suppose I just didn't like the main characters design, and he's on the cover, with his ridiculous pointy hair do. I know there's a thing in the gaming industry where if you're making a brand game which will have possible sequels then you need a distinguishable character. But considering the plot twist at the end, they really didn't need to make him look like a pointy penis head.

But whatever, that's just Japanese design I guess. But as for the actual playing graphics... it's simple cell shaded sort of figures. Which after a while really becomes impressive. I don't know if it's because you just get used to it, but it really does have its charm. It's simplistic, and the complicated set designs just make it work. I know a lot of people will be skeptical of a game because of its graphics, but I say don't be here. Because really, it's just amazing to see those figures move around on the screen and interact with the scenery. The set designs really are amazing to look at. visually I think it's nice, and artistic.

As game play goes it is a puzzle game, you manipulate objects to set a series of events to make something happen. Like you go back in time to prevent a death, which you are on a time limit. I have read reviews which says the puzzles at the end of the game are easier, but I don't think so. There is perhaps one puzzle in the submarine which could be classed as easy, simply because it's very quick and easy, but the puzzles before and after are still hard. And halfway through the game your roaming abilities are taken away from you. so the game does become more linear, but I think that just picks up the pace of the game, which is important because the characters are working against the clock. Seeing as it is a story focused game I really don't think it matters whether or not it becomes more linear. There are some really interesting puzzles which takes some really out of the box thinking to solve. I think the hardest puzzle in the game was the prison break one. I was stuck on that one for ages.

And finally story. This was written by the Ace Attorney people, so yeah, its story is fantastic. When I try to explain it to my friends it just sounds stupid. It really does. But it's not really a game you can explain, it's a game you have to play. Because everything makes sense within the game. I don't think there were any plot holes, the game ties up everything neatly together. You don't have to question anything at the end because you find out the answers. It has two very interesting twists, which if you're like me aren't difficult to figure out because of the hints dropped. Not to say you're entirely sure whether your suspicions are true until presented with the answers. Its a great mystery game in the way it really does make you want to find out the next bit of the story. It has good humor, and good writing, and if you let the game pull you in you will play it until you finish it. I must complain a little about the forced 'ghost tricks' tag and the weird running joke it had of people commenting on something or someone being weird and the two ghost characters at the time going 'me too', maybe amusing the first time, not so much the seventh time.

If you're wondering whether it's worth the buy, I would say yes. It's not a game you need a walk through on either, sure some of the puzzles are really hard, but because it is a puzzle game you can work it out by yourself through trial and error. And sometimes the failed results are funny. I remember when I got a combination wrong which earned a dead character a face full of hard hat, it was hilarious to watch. I think there might be some different combination to solve different puzzles too. I know it was hinted at in the prison break out that there was two ways to sneak him out. I'm not sure if other puzzles have that seeing I just solved them my way. but I'm sure cleverer people than me can figure that out. Sure it has the disadvantage of once you know the ending, that's it. But honestly I think I would happily play it again, simply because it was an enjoyable story. That's the great thing about games with a heavily focused story, you do want to play it again, just to experience the story. Plus with a game like this the game play is really easy, and doesn't hinder the story telling because the game play works hand in hand in telling the story. which is great. It really is like an interactive book. Which if you're like me, who loves good stories and good games which are fun to play, then yeah, you'll love this one.

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