Friday 29 October 2010

I've decided I hate trains

Trains have joined my list of things to hate. I have spent the last fifteen odd hours either on, or waiting for a train. It didn't help that someone had decided to jump on the line further up the track so my train was delayed by half an hour. And it was freezing.
Now I usually like trains. I have no issue with them. they're usually on time, they stop, they take on and off passengers and they go. they're wonderfully efficient. But in that half hour extra wait I decided I would now hate them.
It perhaps did not help that I was tired from a restless night, and this particular train was a sleeper. I was expecting perhaps little beds or something, not some uncomfortable chairs. I think I got some but little sleep. The noises of the train juddering snapped me awake on occasion. I dislike it when things sound unsafe. and trains do sound unsafe. Perhaps I don't generally notice it when I'm awake and happily playing away on my gameboy or laptop. but today I did. and it made me feel like the train would fall apart any second! It was very nerve wrecking!
But I survived thankfully. And now I will have to live with a day of running around trying to be active and enthusiastic. and I'm far too tired. I blame the train. because if it hadn't had the air conditioning on I'm sure i would have slept much better. and now I just feel terrible.
So yes, I hate trains.

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Coffee is evil

I don't understand why people drink coffee. It makes my head fuzzy. And I can't sit still, and I most certainly can't concentrate on anything, let alone think. Yet an entire workforce uses it to keep themselves focused at work.

Now I presume coffee must have similar affects on everyone else. I can't be the only fuzzy brained twitchy individual after drinking it out there. Maybe I was just a born tea drinker. Though tea makes me equally twitchy and fuzz headed when I've drunk enough of it.....

Maybe the entire countries debt is because everyone drinks too much coffee and are thus too fuzzy headed to do actual work? They need to it function, yet to drink it it reduces their ability to function because they're fuzzy headed?

It can't just be me can it? I work better absolutely exhausted then I do pepped up on caffeine.

but if we'd never discovered coffee and tea we probably would be still hitting each others with swords rather than getting things done....

I don't know. Curse you evil coffee! You are dampening my writing ability!!!

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Univercity makes you Stupid

University makes you stupid.
Or rather, university makes you realise how stupid you are.
I never thought myself stupid before I went to university. Lazy, yes. Stupid, no.

See what university does is show you how little you have learned in the 13 years you studied in school. University makes you realise you don't know a thing.

Soon you realise the national curriculum is a sham. Teachers are lazy and you, yes you, are an idiot.

There is so much schools of today do not teach us. My school never covered American history. I learned more off horrible histories on T.V than I did at school about the empire. All things I was made to learn at university.

You go and you realise how many gaps are in your mind. and you try to absorb it, and you realise you just can't, because you are stupid, and university is for smart people. So you rush papers, you spend every night in the library trying to force yourself to become smart. But you'll never be smart enough for university. You'll never understand the theory, no matter how much of the source material you read. It's just old men who are dead, trying to phrase things in the most difficult manner ever. Because they wanted smart people, like them, to understand it, not stupid people like you and me.

In the end you expire in your own stupidty. Miserable because you can never get good grade, you scrape through with a pass with every essay. Even if you spent weeks on it. They tell you that you lack contextual understanding. And you do. Because you are stupid, and now you realise you are stupid.

You drop out and decide to work for McDonald's, because that is where stupid people belong, serving other stupid people slabs of meat which has been squeezed out by the marketing division of the company, designed specifically for the satisfaction of the consumer. Even though in reality you know it incorporates everything the consumer does not want in one big fat unhealthy slab of overly produced meat.

And then it'll hit you. you are not stupid. You are smarter than the pod people who come up to your till, content with their dull grey lives.

You'll go back to university, and you'll do your work. and you'll be content with those lower marks, because you may be an average but you are at least not stupid.

And then you'll get your degree, and discover the only work you can get is at McDonald's, because you are either over qualified or you didn't go to a pretencions enough university. And then you will realise the world is stupid.

Please note, I never dropped out of university, though this is somewhat based on someone I know.

Sunday 17 October 2010

So I came up with something

I finally came up with a good title for this thing, amazingly while trying to think of something to write for class instead. We're meant to be writing this memoir of sorts. I dislike writing about myself, I'm a boring person, and I know I'll just be unable to fixate on one subject. Which made me think of Proust, and a sadistic part of me was tempted to think:

"Yeeeees, let us write it like Proust, we can pretend we're being clever." [/end smeagol voice]

And of course thinking about Proust did make me consider the merits of writing in tangent's, something I'm good at because of the way my mind works. It's very good at linking things which normally should have no connection, what-so-ever, together. I think it makes me a better story writer.

See I'm already going off on a tangent.

Now where was I? Ah yes, Proust=Tangents= "Ooooh, 'Off on a Tangent' would be good title for blog!"


Now I only have to think of a good subject for my memoir. I'm not worried though. I always think of something.

Thursday 14 October 2010

Title's were never my strong point.


They are important. They let the reader know in a few simple words what it is which they are reading. I'm sure you all know the saying "don't judge a book by its cover" well allot of people don't, but they do judge by the title. You can tell allot about a thing just by its title (or name.)

For example:

Lord of the Rings = There is some established nobility, who clearly hordes rings.
Final Fantasy = This is the final fantasy game we're making ever, please ignore the following numbers.
Twilight = The time of day in which both light and dark are equal.
Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone = Young middle classed child playing with science equipment in the pursuit of alchemy.
The Princess Bride = .... don't you mean 'The Prince's Bride'?

Though silly antics aside, we do judge by titles. If something takes our fancy we are more likely to read it.

So understandably I didn't know what I wanted to call this blog. What do you call a blog you want to stand out? A title which will both amuse, but make people want to read? I don't know. I'm not one for hanging out on blogging societies. I don't know what people want to read. But I shall write, and maybe someone will want to read it.

I went for the obvious [Insert Witty Title Here] because it's a lame forum joke. And though I do not yet understand the appeal of blogging, I do get foruming. I'm sure someone out there will snerk at the familiarity of the forum joke. That or think I'm incredibly immature.

In any case it'll do until I can think of something that is actually witty. Or in the very least, interesting.