To be famous you need an image. A fake representation of yourself. Well. As far as I can tell that is what you need. An image that everyone sees. All smokes and mirrors. So this is the image people love. Kind of like what Lady Gaga has done. she has made her entire being a show for everyone to watch, just waiting for it to fall down in ruin.
So I have been putting allot of thought into what image I want to portray myself as. I am a boring person. I love to read, draw and play computer games. I would rather sit indoors playing Mass Effect or reading a new book, or trying to write my own than go out and party. But such boring characteristics do not get you famous.
so the only solution is to make oneself as eccentric as possible.
There is actually a style of dress that I personally love. But I never wear. I love old styled English clothes, I love Gothic clothes, I love anything in the military style. I love it. and so, it seems only natural to me to make a personality out of these things that I love. Which I think makes me look a little stereotypical English when added together. But who cares right? As long as I look pretty and pull it off. We shall see, we shall see.
As my first step into fame will be.... Internet videos! Thus why I need an image. Do you see where this is going? Something that can establish me as a writer, a reader, and an authoritative voice of reason! Why yes, I'm going to do video reviews. It only seems like the natural step. First the Internet! And then... the world!
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