University makes you stupid.
Or rather, university makes you realise how stupid you are.
I never thought myself stupid before I went to university. Lazy, yes. Stupid, no.
See what university does is show you how little you have learned in the 13 years you studied in school. University makes you realise you don't know a thing.
Soon you realise the national curriculum is a sham. Teachers are lazy and you, yes you, are an idiot.
There is so much schools of today do not teach us. My school never covered American history. I learned more off horrible histories on T.V than I did at school about the empire. All things I was made to learn at university.
You go and you realise how many gaps are in your mind. and you try to absorb it, and you realise you just can't, because you are stupid, and university is for smart people. So you rush papers, you spend every night in the library trying to force yourself to become smart. But you'll never be smart enough for university. You'll never understand the theory, no matter how much of the source material you read. It's just old men who are dead, trying to phrase things in the most difficult manner ever. Because they wanted smart people, like them, to understand it, not stupid people like you and me.
In the end you expire in your own stupidty. Miserable because you can never get good grade, you scrape through with a pass with every essay. Even if you spent weeks on it. They tell you that you lack contextual understanding. And you do. Because you are stupid, and now you realise you are stupid.
You drop out and decide to work for McDonald's, because that is where stupid people belong, serving other stupid people slabs of meat which has been squeezed out by the marketing division of the company, designed specifically for the satisfaction of the consumer. Even though in reality you know it incorporates everything the consumer does not want in one big fat unhealthy slab of overly produced meat.
And then it'll hit you. you are not stupid. You are smarter than the pod people who come up to your till, content with their dull grey lives.
You'll go back to university, and you'll do your work. and you'll be content with those lower marks, because you may be an average but you are at least not stupid.
And then you'll get your degree, and discover the only work you can get is at McDonald's, because you are either over qualified or you didn't go to a pretencions enough university. And then you will realise the world is stupid.
Please note, I never dropped out of university, though this is somewhat based on someone I know.
That sounds about right. When it comes to getting jobs, it's not what you know but who. Or whom. I can never get that right.