Monday, 14 March 2011

How to Emote

'Emotes' or 'Emoticons' are what people use to express emotion and expression over the internet. They're there for when you feel words aren't strong enough to communicate what you mean. An emote can be the difference between a sarcastic remark or a witty joke. Because let's face it, we don't write actions for ourselves during internet conversation. So, I am conducting a list of emotes and what they mean. Well, at least what they mean to me. I hope this is helpful to someone.

:-) = the smiley face, to basically smile at something. It can also be simplified to :) other versions of this face are:
c: / C:

:-( = The sad face. To show when you are displeased or upset about something, it of course can be simplified to ): . Other versions are:
:c / :C

:-S = The confused face. Obviously when you're confused. Other versions are:

:3 = The Kitty face. I like to use this as a cute smiley face, also to seem as curious or inquisitive if used with a question mark, :3? Now I like to over emphasizes they kitty face with the use of the 8 in exchange of : eyes. I think it just gives the emote a sort of wide eyed intensity. 83 It's like those eyes are staring more keenly are you, waiting for answers.

:D = Super happy face or the grin face. Again I like to super emphasize the grin with the use of the 8. I just think it looks better. 8D, see? Doesn't it just make it look all the more enthusiastic about its happiness? Of course you get its opposite, super sad face. D: or D8, see doesn't the eight make it seem all that more devastated? Never under estimate the power of an 8, it can add so much more meaning in some cases.

:o = surprised or shocked. I don't actually use this one a lot, or really at all... But the 8 rule still applies. 8o haha, it looks so much more surprised.

The x rule = I've talked about adding 8's but not x's. Like 8's x's can be used to change an emote. it's usually used to exspress dead eyes. like: 
But it can also be used to emphases other things as well like xD generally translates into laughter as it's generally used when finding something funny, just as Dx is used when you find out something terrible or when overly frustrated. Generally you can use an x for eyes in any emotes, and each one can convey something different. xC I find looks like someone is uber sad or upset, while Cx looks like you find something whimsically amusing. It's good to play around with it, as unlike 8, x can look like more than an over emphasis.

>:-( = Angry face, generally has the same variants as the unhappy face, but I like to think each alternative is a different stage of angry.
Hahaha, uber mad face brought to you by the letter 8.

>.< = The Urgh! face. It's like the angry face but it's generally used in 'OMG can't believe that' sort of moments. The moments that make you just frustrated for the moment. I like to think it is different from the angry face, it's more the frustrated face.

>:-) = devil/mischief/evil face, like the angry face, it has many different variations.

^^ = The cute happy face, I guess it's the more kawiii face. It's just happy eyes. you can also do it like this ^_____________^ I think the longer the line, the more smug or happy you are. Measure your happiness today.

O__O = the stare, I don't think I use :o much because I use the stare instead. Naturally you have different kinds of stares.
O_< = this is more combination of the stare and URGH!
Remember, the line generally show the level of awkward staring time. Longer the line, the longer the stare. I know it's weird rules, but that's just how it works. 

:T = The fed up face.  Or the skeptical face. For those moments when you think, "Really? Just really?"

:P = cheeky stick tongue out face, who sticks out their tongue in real life? Children that's who. A childish smiley, but it gets overused. I like to think of it as a sign of assured smugness, rather than cheekiness. Mainly because I use YM, and the :P smiley on that always looks so smug!

And that's it for now, I can't really think of many more... there are probably loads. Never under estimate the importance of emotes in internet conversations!

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