Wednesday, 1 December 2010

I've decided I hate snow

I seem to hate allot of things don't I? I'm not a generally hateful person. I remember back during secondary school when I hated allot of things. Mostly stupid people on the Internet. Or bully's at schools, and sometimes my friends. But I never hated snow.

Snow was this rare thing which we rarely ever got. Maybe one year we'd have a soft sprinkling on the grass for a day and then it was gone. very rarely was there snow that you could properly throw around. So when it did come it was a blessing. You could run outside in it, roll it up, throw it around, make small snowmen. Every winter we'd beg for snow so we wouldn't have to go to school. Except our school was the kind which was always open when it snowed. No matter how heavy the snow was or how few people turned up, it was always opened, and you were expected to turn up. I remember when it got reasonably 'heavy' that the playground was covered in whiteness, and the headmaster was out in it with a shovel and some salt determinedly trying to destroy it. Hilariously the next day his salty slush had iced over and we couldn't get in because it was a safety hazard.

But now we seem to get heavy snow every year, and each year it getting worse. I can't help but find this strange. how did we go from no snow to 'it snows every winter'? What happened to our depressingly gray mild winters? Sure they were joyless and snowless but they seem to have been replaced with whiteness. I wonder if we'll ever have another grey winter at this rate.

Not that I wouldn't usually mind snow. But people treat it like it's the end of the world. Getting hysterical. Just prepare better. buy thicker tred tires, stock up on grit. This must be the third winter in a row that we've had snow, it's sort of time to just deal with it people and get on with your lives. I swear its the public response that just ruins snow for everyone. I remember when snow meant Christmas was coming and you could get all excited because school would soon end and you could play in it. Not that that stopped me early this year when we made a sled and enthusiastically sledded down our hill. It's sad to think that the first time I ever sledded was when I was 20. But it was a fun family activity where we all stood out in the snow and laughed. Yet people are always insisting to ruin it.

It makes me wish we lived in a more practical country. Don't whine about snow, just deal with it! It is not the end of the world! Other countries seem to manage fine, it's only us who get hysterical about something which has been a seasonable norm for a few years now! Maybe it should snow like this every year. Instead of going back to the boring gray routine it had before. At least then we might expect it and work better on dealing with it, and stop letting snow ruin our lives by stopping the country still!

If we embraced this then people like me wouldn't have to fall ass over tit on ungritted well used paths because people were too unprepared for what everyone knew was going to happen again this year!

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